Game over, man; game over.

April 19th, 2015 started off a a similarly sunny day to this morning…..

I bought myself Wawa coffee this morning.

It’s a Sunday and I bought myself Wawa coffee.

Most of you will see no real significance to those two statements, but they mean everything to me.

For years, Jamey had a routine of buying me Wawa on the weekends.

I never asked him to.                            

He just did it.                      

Because that was Jamey.

After he was first diagnosed those lucky number seven years ago, he confided in my neighbor Kelly

one of his biggest fears about getting sick: he’d be unable to buy me coffee in the mornings.

Luckily, he lived to buy me enough coffee to raise the dead from their graves.

Jamey will never have a chance to buy me Wawa coffee again.  

And that’s ok.

Like I said, I bought myself Wawa coffee this morning.

Jamey passed away in a spectacularly brilliant manner at about 2:40 this morning.

Maybe he’s off buying his mom, Noreen and his dad, Stan some Wawa coffee.

13 thoughts on “Game over, man; game over.

  1. Kim. I am so sorry.. I am praying for you. It’s be a long struggle and you helped Jamey finish his race. God bless you. Love, Aunt Judy


  2. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

    You did a good job taking care of him!

    I do white dove releases for funerals ( pure white homing pigeons, actually. Don’t worry, they always beat me home!)

    The next time I release them for exercise and training, I will have you and your family in my prayers.

    God Bless you and my sincere condolences
    on your loss.
    -Judy Donley


  3. Kim, I am so sorry to hear about Jamey. I know this has been a long roller coaster ride for all of you. He is in a better place now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  4. I spent most of yesterday in prayer for Jamey and for all of you. Not being a very religious person this was pretty unusual for me. Yesterday and today are spectacularly beautiful here in Oregon and I repeatedly found myself looking out over the landscape and praying to the saints. Before I knew it I was including Aunt Noreen, Uncle Buck, my mom and dad, all the aunts and uncles in my prayers to the saints. I was praying for them to meet Jamey with open arms. These were the people in my life who were saints and in my mind Jamey now gets to be one too. Jamey is at peace; he won the game. But the rest of us lost. I’m raising my cup of coffee (unfortunately not Wawa) in his honor this morning. Peace to you and to all of my cousins.


  5. Kim,

    We are sorry to hear of Jamie’s passing, and all of you have been in our thoughts and prayers.

    Your blog postings have been an inspiration and may peace be with you and your daughter during this difficult time.

    Sharon (Rosner) Kristovich


  6. Kim
    I am so sorry for your loss though I realize there is relief that any suffering is over and Jamey is in a good place.
    I have not seen Jamey for many years but will always remember that smile and the fun on Green Avenue playing kick the can.

    Sending love and prayers.
    LHS 87


  7. Dear Kim and Caley, I have been praying for you all now Jamie will be praying and watching over the Two loves of his life.My heart goes out to both of you.Please if I cann do anything for you plese ask. Love and prayers always ,Uncle Gene


  8. You are an incredible woman Kim,
    ‘I am sorry’ doesn’t seem adequate but I’m left too humbled and speechless. You are loved by so many, I hope you can find comfort in the arms and hearts of all those who surround you.

    Wishing you peace,


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